"Clive is one of the unsung heroes of the British Country Music scene and has been for many years.

He writes some magnificent original music and the success he has had on radio throughout Europe and on the Hotdisc Charts has been phenomenal.  In my opinion he should have been cleaning up at all British Country Music awards ceremonies. If it was down to talent and quality then he would be a shoo-in, however, as we have seen over the years, the many British Country Music Awards polls over the years are a complete embarrassment, won usually by acts who know how to manipulate polls on social media. Totally meaningless and sadly denying true talent like Clive the awards he should have had.  His songs. his music and his voice are first class and fortunately he has a large fan base including hundreds of European country DJs who adore him. He is a true star and long may he continue in his own right and also as lead singer with the Johnny Cash Roadshow."

Stuart Cameron, International TV and Radio Presenter and Owner of Hotdisc.

Due to the Covid 19 situation I have had some time to sit back, look at my career and re-assess what I want to do. ‘Clive John’ as a product/singer/songwriter ceased to exist really many years ago mainly due to my Johnny Cash Roadshow. I LOVE JCR and it will always be my priority and it will keep on improving, touring and changing as it continues to grow. However I need to reintroduce ‘Clive John’ if for nothing else but my own soul.

I have recorded nine albums of my own material since 1999 alongside other side line projects too. It seems such a waste to have recorded these songs and for no-one to know they even exist. So we have put my entire catalogue on to the internet to download (itunes and all the usual digital platforms) or you can buy most of the albums in physical form too from this site or from www.johnnycashroadshow.com. I am at an age now where I look back over my life and remember all the experiences that surrounded these songs and I’m not ashamed to admit that I am very proud of the best of this work. However I am also embarrassed about some of it (particularly the earlier years!).

Before becoming Clive John I was just ‘Clive’ and my very first tape cassette recordings was called ‘I’m Free’. Ha ha! Even I don’t have a copy of this….. I am particularly proud of the last two albums ‘The Spirit’ (2010) and very much ‘A Brand New Beginning’ (2018). These two albums are recorded with all real instruments, no auto tuning, click tracks or studio wizardry. They are just natural and mostly first takes as I firmly believe this is the best way to record songs, particularly for this style. Some artists take forever to record one song and the lead vocal will be made up from numerous recordings. So in effect the listener really isn’t listening to a natural recording in the end at all. I think this is cheating and it won’t be delivered the same if you go and see the artist perform live.

For those wondering – my actual name is Clive John Phillips so I just took my first and middle name as an artist rather than making up some weird show time name! I am not at all like that anyway and neither are my songs.

I get requests and enquiries regularly to perform my own material. However have always shy’ d away from it due to being so busy touring with JCR and not having confidence that enough people will want to hear it. Recently though I’ve decided to take a gamble and book literally a handful of venues to try it out. The Spirit Band (my band from JCR) are world class musicians and I have no doubt that collectively we will produce a great sound. This name was created for them after recording The Spirit album in 2010.

Any new things I do regarding my own music will be updated on this site and on the new Facebook page @clivejohnmusic This is just to let you know that Clive John still exists and does still write songs and even occasionally performs them!

I have been writing again recently for the first time in years and looking forward to recording these songs when possible. Thank you for your interest and I look forward to catching you at one of these few dates in calendar. x